The first Allplan Manual for Allplan 2017
The purpose of this book is to familiarize you with the general concept and some of the capabilities of Allplan. Additionally, Allplan manual will be one of the textbooks for learning at the course: Implementation of BIM in Design of Structures.
Winners of the architectural competition were using Allplan for their projects
We glad to inform about the results of competition on: „Foundations of urban planning and Architecture” were two winners were using Allplan for their projects.
Allplan Workshop: What about a New Way? – How it was..
BIM Educational Platform together with Scientific Group Digital Construction and with ALLBIM Group have organized the Allplan Workshop at Warsaw University of Technology.
Digital Construction – Exclusive Partner at WUT
Digital Construction DC team is composed of a diverse group of students that is pushing the boundaries of science and creative design. Intellectual focus of DC is investigation of innovative solutions in the spheres of computer technologies.
Allplan Workshop „What about the new way?”
The Allplan workshop ”What about the new way?” will be held at the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Warsaw University of Technology on 19thMay, at 14:00. Our specialists will represent wide possibilities of using Allplan software in context of BIM, modeling and reinforcement detailing.
Polish students participated in Allplan Coach Summit, Munich, Germany
Five students from various polish universities participated in one of the biggest international events related to BIM: International Allplan Coach Summit. The event was organized by Allplan GmbH, Munich, Germany.
Workshop on „Allplan: The way BIM works” at Centre of Innovations and Technology Transfer, Warsaw, Poland

The workshop „Allplan: The way BIM works” was prepared under the conference BudynEK0 on 31.03.2017. Participants had the opportunity to explore a range of possibilities of Allplan relating to BIM.
Allplan at Warsaw University of Technology
As a first time the Elective Course: „Implementation of BIM in Design of Structures” was introduced for polish students in Polish and English at Warsaw University of Technology. The course is fully based on Allplan Software.